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Self management tools 

When we find ourselves having intense emotional experiences, one strategy that can help is to move away or take a break from the emotion by breathing. Try one of these meditations

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When we are distressed, we tend to hold our breath. Then we can start to feel like we are struggling to breathe. Our system feels like we are in danger, and we become even more distressed. Box breathing can shift us out of danger mode. It focuses our attention and gives us a chance to calm our system down. Then, even though we are upset or anxious, we can access the different parts of our brain that can help us to get perspective, problem solve, and reach out for support.

Square meditationDr. Kerri Ritchie
00:00 / 01:33


When we are overwhelmed, we can become lost in our thoughts and fears. This increases the emotional and physical experience and can make us feel like we can’t control what is happening to us. This makes us feel like we are in danger. Grounding helps us to focus on what is happening around us. It can help us to feel physically safe so that we can start to work through the experience that is making us upset or anxious, one piece at a time.

Five senses Dr. Kerri Ritchie
00:00 / 02:58
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Sometimes we need more time in between what has happened and sitting in the experience and feelings we are having. In the short term, we can give ourselves some time to bring down the intensity of the experience by doing things that involve our mind and body, and pay attention to what we are doing in the here and now. Engage - Walk, clean, call someone Use Opposite emotions - Read emotional books, stories, or movies; listen to emotional music. Be sure the event creates different emotions (e.g., scary movies, comedies, cute animals). Try Intense Sensations - Hold a hot drink and feel it as you take a sip, squeeze a rubber ball very hard; stand under a very hard and hot shower; listen  to very loud music, listen to loud music and dance Use our imagination to go somewhere else

Guided Imagery Dr. Bryce Mulligan
00:00 / 02:39

Helium App was created by a group of TOH staff and physicians who understand the issues and challenges that are common both in everyday life and in healthcare environments. Helium is a wellness tool that is easy to use, and encourages positive behavior changes. 

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