The Power of Recognition
Drs. Caroline Gerin-Lajoie and Kerri Ritchie
Do you remember the last time someone thanked you? Recognized you privately or in a group for what you had done? Or told you they appreciated you? If you try to go back to any of these moments, can you remember how they felt ? How you experienced yourself and this person in that moment? How did the rest of your day unfold?

Recognition feels good because it is about connection. It could be connection to others, or
connection to ourselves. It gives a mood boost through dopamine (reward center) and regulates and calms our nervous system and blood pressure (oxytocin). Recognition can take many forms; a small word of thanks, encouragement, or acknowledgement. It could also be through formal thank you notes, kudos boards, or reporting it up through leaders or across, through teams, in a group "shout out".
We don't know what is happening in someone else's life. We can be surprised about how much they might have needed to be reminded that they matter at that very moment. At the team level, giving recognition also can enhance the team atmosphere.

It is lovely when we recognize others and create a culture of "upstream altruism" i.e. paying it forward. We like to think recognition is altruistic, and it is, BUT, most things we do, even if they are for others, have an element of making us feel good at the same time. Something we tend to forget, that it is equally important, is to also recognize ourselves. Maybe at the end of a long day, or as part of our weekly wrap up. Here are some ideas to get you started:
What did I do well today?
Is there anything that was really hard, and I got through it?
Did I make someone smile today?
Did I give myself permission to take something off my plate? Let go of perfection?
Health care is about service and about giving to others. We can go through days, even weeks, giving our all, and it can feel like no one is noticing how much we are giving of ourselves. Recognition can play a small role in ensuring that we feel seen and valued.
It can never be said enough, from us to you, thank you, merci, miigwetch for all that you do.
