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Moral distress

Moral Distress is caused by believing that you know the right thing to do, and not being able to do it, or having to do something that you believe is wrong.

What is moral distress?

Is the experience of knowing or  thinking you know what the right thing to do is, and not being able to do it.

Moral stress: Daily/week moral stressors experienced when making decisions involving values and/or ethics

Moral distress: Caused by believing that you know the right thing to do, and not being able to do it, or having to do something that you believe is wrong.

Moral residue: A buildup of several morally distressing events that have not been resolved.

Moral injury: Psychological, social and/or spiritual impact of being forced or placed in a situation involving the betrayal of your values or ethics.

Moral distress is something we are hearing about more. In this series of videos, Mike Kekewich, Director of Clinical and Organizational Ethics, & Dr. Kerri Ritchie, Psychologist, talk about  moral distress and how to recognize it.

What is moral distress?

The experience of doing something you think is wrong. 

Why is moral distress so distressing?

We are wired to be upset and/or angry when can't behave in a way that is core to who we are.

What is the impact of moral distress?

The Pandemic has resulted in more frequent and prolonged exposure to moral distress. 

How do I know if I am experiencing moral stress, distress, residue, or injury?

I am making stressful decisions, but some of my core values can still be maintained.

Some of my values are being compromised or undermined. 

Sometimes, I am not able to do what I know is "right".

I am unable to meet my professional obligations or be the kind of professional I know I can be.

I am facing new or extremely complex issues that are ethically challenging, and I don't know how to move forward.

I am experiencing a buildup of several events that have not been resolved

I feel a deep sense of psychological, social or spiritual distress (feelings or shame) as a result of experiences and/or decisions I have had to make.

Moral distress is part of life and we can't eliminate it. In this series of videos, Mike Kekewich, Director of Clinical and Organizational Ethics, & Dr. Kerri Ritchie, Psychologist, talk about moral distress and how to live with it

How do you identify moral distress and support one another?

Monitor your own experience and check in with your colleagues. We need to be this together .

Moral distress, guilt and shame

We turn shame into guilt or regret, when we speak with others about what happened. 

What is moral injury?

The level of moral distress makes us feel a threat to our identity and our emotional system is hijacked. 

Individual differences in moral distress

Moral distress is different for different people because our values are different. 

Moral distress during the pandemic

When so much has happened, when we have space, we can start to "relive"  past decisions. 

How do I manage the impact of moral distress?

We can't get rid of all moral distress, but there are some tools that can help us to decrease the impact that the experience has on our body, thoughts, and feelings. They can help us feel more in control.

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