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Back to basics

After a challenging experience, emotional, and/or cognitive fatigue can be felt for a few days. When emotions are high, we take in memories through our visual and sensory systems. We can “see” and “feel” the memories when we are asleep or awake.

Breathing Meditation

Resetting your system

  1. Calm: Breathe, imagine a calming image, or listen to music. Our tools can help

  2. Soothe: Repetitive movement, such as walking, rocking, colouring, even washing dishes, helps reset our system

  3. Rest: Watching TV, listening to music, sitting or walking in nature can help. It releases BDNF, which balances what cortisol (stress) does to the body.

  4. Then: When you can, do something you love




  • Hydration, eating, and sleeping helps

  • Blocking rest helps. It doesn’t have to be long, but we do need to protect it. Put away technology for a little while. Technology increases a part of dopamine, which keeps our system engaged.  Emails and texts coming through also keeps us in a reactive state. We want to shift to a rest state so that the system can re-boot. Try for 10 minutes without getting on the phone or iPad.

  • Other strategies that can help bring us down:

    • Relaxation – breathe, imagine a calming image, or listen to music


    • Repetitive movement (walking, rocking, even washing dishes) helps re-sets our system


Quick Links & Tools

Catching more ZZZ's

Three tips for getting restful sleep during stressful times. Although it can be common for shift workers in hospitals to experience sleeping difficulties, experiencing stressful periods can also have a negative... impact on your sleep.

Image by Jared Rice
On your mat, get set, go! Yoga and you. 

There is no one way or one recipe for managing stress and taking care of your wellbeing. Different things work for different people, and different things work at different times.

Compassion is part managing stress

It is normal to feel stress related to COVID-19 and all the pressures that it may present. As the weeks of change and uncertainty continue, many of us are feeling stretched and stressed.

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